Prophet I.O Samuel
Prophet I.O Samuel, the humble and anointed man of God who is the good shepherd at Shiloh Word Chapel, Abuja - the bible believing church renowned for its deep faith teachings, life applicable teachings, healings, sign and wonders and its unending impact in charity has just declared some Controversial Truths for the people of God to abide to live happily ever after. Here are excerpts from the teachings at Shiloh word chapel, Abuja recently.

1. A woman that is not under a man is a wife to Lucifer by Law 

1a. Babes, Showing Your Nude Pictures And Surgery Body On Social Media Will Not Bring Blessed Husband, Only Good Character In Christ Can Save.

1b. Stop Church Prostituting, Sit Down In A Place God Has Chosen For You. To Serve Him Be planted. To Discover Yourself or you miss your visitation and lose heaven.

2. If you don’t call your husband my Lord, but by name you lose your husband to side chicks and the marriage will crash. 

3. God and Jesus love all and trust No one, Manage friends, love all and trust no one.
4. Corona is a visitor, it must go. Don’t lose faith and be running COVID 19 fear services.

4a. obey WHO and use face mask and sanitizer, but it will not save your life, jesus is the way, the truth and life. 

5. Pretend to be Poor and broke, your true friends will show up , 
6, I think many church branches we have now are not for salvation. but for fame and material things and for membership, preaching only prosperity not morals. If we really preach salvation, who is raping kids today? Is it not Peter, James and John amongst believers?

7. We must learn to live a sacrificial life ahead from now. Sow seeds to overcome the calamity ahead, I did that with a brand new Jeep, on the 22nd of  December 2019 to avert the 2020 attacks. Sacrificial life is forgiving all, loving all and sowing seeds to secure the future like Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and they overcame famine seasons with success.

8. After COVID 19, God has banned going from church to church, many churches will collapse many will drop in faith, church will be attacked more.

9. If we keep going to church Monday to Sunday no work or business, sinners will take over Wealth and power then take final decisions in government and we the church must obey and suffer shame.

10. Monday to Sunday programs is not of God. People should work, God will bless the work of their hands no big man goes to church 3times a week

11. My husband is womanizer, he is a womanizer, womanize him before he sleeps around everywhere. Keep your marriage sleep deeper with him he will never do that.

 12. To win a man give him everything to your pants, if he is not a giver but gives outside;  God will visit him and reverse it.  if you want the supernatural one hold your breast and say my God giving husband that sucked my breast first before my kids came I command you to love me if you don’t do you don’t know the power of woman breast it can control any man or child forever is not for decoration.

The Bible said man drink from your own system let his breast satisfy you  any child that such the mothers breast well is bonded with her and it can control and they will never slap their mother.

To proper fast with wealth If you struggle as a man bless an urgent seed and give your wife to deliver the seed to an elderly priest or servant of God to bless your marriage always finish heaven will open fast to supply secrets from Abraham and Sarah and he said rush get portage with a lad sheep prepare a meal let the strangers eat fast answer comes through women they are open to see angels fast conceive and carry fast fall fast in church life business love etc. Mary and Mather saw angels at tomb Peter James John came and sow clothes only no faith until Jesus showed up himself to strengthen their faith.

Covid 19 is a visitor and must go. I can’t run a corona church if we have faith in God we must do without fear technology science world power government all has failed but God has not failed hold on to God.


  1. Powerful teaching, pure truth, more grace my prophet


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